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Students of Engineering Mechanics can, to some extent, create their own expert profiles by selecting optional subjects according to their own interests and focus more either on rigidity calculations, dynamics or biomechanics. Biomechanics is particularly dealt with in the following subjects:

  • Biomechanics I
  • Biomechanics II
  • Biomechanics III
  • Bioacoustics
  • a diploma project

Biomechanics is traditionally an attractive part of the study programme and the number of diploma theses dealing with the field of biomechanics comprises 30-40 % of the topics in Engineering Mechanics. In the above mentioned optional subjects, students learn about using computational methods in the field of deformation-strain analysis of living tissue, organs and implants with special focus on muscle-skeletal or cardio-vascular system. The aim is mastering computational modelling of mechanical behaviour of the most sophisticated types of materials including both biological and technical ones. The acquired knowledge can be used very effectively even outside the area of medical and biomechanical applications.

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